What You Will Learn


Learn how to move your mouth for clear English pronunciation. Good for all levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Ages 16+. 學習如何開口正確發音,不論您是初級、中級或中高級程度的學生,通通適合。只要年滿16歲都適合喔。

Why are Mouth Movements Important?


    1. A Message from Teacher Karen. Karen老師的話。

    2. How to Use this Course (click "CC" for translation) 如何學習這門課(如需翻譯,請點擊「cc」)

    3. Tell Us About Your English 和我們分享您的英文學習旅程

    1. Why are Mouth Movements Important? 為什麼嘴部動作很重要?

    2. How to Move Your Mouth 如何動嘴巴

    3. How to Move Your Lips 如何動嘴唇

    4. How to Move Your Tongue 如何動舌頭

    5. Quiz 小測驗

    1. Practice with Teacher Karen on Zoom. 和 Karen 老師一起練習。

    1. Congratulations! Here's what's next ... 恭喜!接下來呢…

About this course

  • Free
  • 10 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content
  • Translated content 翻譯的內容
  • Practice downloads 練習下載
  • Live practice sessions 線上即時練習課程

Your Instructor


Karen Schiff


Teacher Karen received her certification in Teaching English as a Second Language from the University of California at Berkeley. She has helped hundreds of students from around the world improve their English pronunciation. Teacher Karen is a native English speaker. She has lived in the United States her whole life, from New York to California! Karen 老師擁有加州柏克萊大學英語第二外語教學師資證書。她曾經幫助超過百位來自世界不同國家的學生改善他們的英語發音。Karen 老師是一位長年居住於美國從紐約至加州的英文母語人士。

“Karen's experience, passion, creativity and professionalism make her stand out. If you are looking to improve your English pronunciation, you should think of Karen first. I give her 2 thumbs up! 「Karen 老師豐富的教學經驗、熱忱、創意及專業皆是她脫穎而出的原因,若您想改善英文發音,Karen 老師正是不二人選!我只能說 Karen 老師就是讚!」 ”

Mr. Ma


  • What is the level of the course? 課程適合什麼程度的學生呢?

    The course is suitable for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced. 適合所以程度的學生:初級、中級和高級。這些課程

  • I am a beginner. Will I understand the teacher? 我是初學者。我能理解老師嗎?

    Yes. The course has been translated. Also, once you enroll in the course, you can change the site language. 可以,所有課程皆有中文翻譯,等您註冊課程後,便能更改網站語言。

  • I am advanced. What can the course teach me? 我是高級英文程度的學生,這門課可以教我什麼呢

    English instruction often focuses on reading and writing, not speaking. Therefore, even advanced English learners can have pronunciation challenges. You will learn techniques that you did not learn in your English classes! 英語教學通常側重於閱讀和寫作,而不是口語。因此,即使是高級英語學習者也可能面臨發音挑戰。您將學習在英語課上沒有學到的技巧!

  • What age group is this course appropriate for? 這些課程適合幾歲的學生呢?

    Anyone over the age of 16. 只要年滿16歲都適合喔。

  • Are these live courses or video courses? 這是現場教學課程還是影片教學課程呢?

    This is primarily a video course. You can watch the lessons whenever it is convenient for you. When you complete the course, you can practice live on Zoom with Teacher Karen! 主要以影片教學為主,讓您可在方便的時候觀看學習。完成課程後,您更能和 Karen 老師在 Zoom 上練習!

  • What is the teacher's approach to pronunciation training? 老師的發音訓練方法是什麼呢?

    Every language has different mouth movements. If you learn how to make the mouth movements of English, your pronunciation will improve. That's why Karen starts with mouth movements. They are the foundation of pronunciation. 說不同語言時,我們嘴巴的移動方式也不同。掌握英文的嘴部移動後,英文發音便會大幅改善。嘴巴移動是英文發音的基礎,這也為什麼 Karen 老師將這主題安排在第一堂課。

  • Will I meet the teacher? 我會和老師見面嗎?

    After you complete the course, you can meet the teacher on Zoom for live practice! 完成課程後,您可在 Zoom 上和老師線上練習!

  • Is the course secure? 課程安全嗎?

    Yes! Our course is hosted on Thinkific, an online learning software platform. Thinkific has many safeguards in place to protect your security and privacy. To learn more, click here. 是的!我們採用 Thinkific 伺服器,一款線上學習軟體平台。Thinkific 具有許多安全措施以保護您的安全和隱私。請點擊此以了解更多

  • I have other questions. 我還有其他問題。

    Please contact us: [email protected] 請聯絡我們 :[email protected]

Start speaking clear, confident English!
